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Blogs tagged with: technology

Mad Cow Disease & What We're Doing to Prevent it

Wed 26 Aug, 2015
TAGS: cows, charolais cattle, technology, cattle

Technology is all the rage especially when it comes to keeping you connected. It seems like everyone and their mother has the latest piece of equipment to keep them on top of their busy schedules and hooked up to the rest of the world. Suddenly, everyone looks like Inspector Gadget with their go-go gadget iWatch and other crazy doodads like the self-rocking baby... read more on Mad Cow Disease & What We're Doing to Prevent it

Check Out the Latest in Cow Technology

Wed 08 Jul, 2015
TAGS: cows, technology, cattle, charolais

  Tired of losing your cows? Not anymore! With new GPS cow collars, farmers and breeders are able to find their cows faster, track their movements, and produce more milk. Here’s what you should know about the gadget: 1. It’s bell-shaped to stay in keeping with their normal fashion accessories. 2. It receives data through mobile GSM... read more on Check Out the Latest in Cow Technology

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