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Blogs from : Jul, 2020

Why is the Charolais Breed Popular in Crossbreeding Programs?

Tue 28 Jul, 2020
TAGS: breeding, crossbreeding, genetics

If you’re wondering which cattle breed is good for crossbreeding, the Charolais breed of cattle is popular in crossbreeding programs for many reasons. Crossbred calves bred from Charolais sires are hailed as successful and healthy, with high growth rates, and they often do well in contributing to commercial herds, too. Desirable qualities of Charolais... read more on Why is the Charolais Breed Popular in Crossbreeding Programs?

Think Your Land’s Not Good Enough For Cattle?

Wed 01 Jul, 2020
TAGS: feeding, pastures, charolais benefits

Are your cattle pasture grasses looking a little sparse? Is your land less than nourishing for a lot of cows on pasture? Feeding cattle has never been so easy, as less-than-abundant cattle pastures are not a problem for the hardy Debruycker Charolais cattle breed! DeBruycker Charolais cattle have the ability to graze efficiently on most cattle pastures and... read more on Think Your Land’s Not Good Enough For Cattle?

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