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Blogs tagged with: beef magazine

How’s the spring bull sale season getting along?

Wed 22 Apr, 2020
TAGS: beef, beef magazine, spring bulls sale 2020

How’s the spring bull sale season getting along? While COVID-19 has changed how seedstock suppliers sell this year’s bull crop, it hasn’t changed the need to buy bulls. Here's how seedstock operations are adapting. Burt Rutherford | Apr 20, 2020 While the whole world has been turned upside down, the rhythm of ranching continues.... read more on How’s the spring bull sale season getting along?

DeBruycker Charolais is Proud to be a Seedstock Producer | Seedstock 100 BEEF magazine

Tue 09 Jan, 2018
TAGS: beef magazine, seedstock, seedstock producers, seedstock directory

DeBruycker Charolais is Proud to be a Seedstock Producer! *Reprint from BEEF magazine DeBruycker Charolais: Depending on how you ponder and dice the numbers, you can make the case that operations populating the BEEF Seedstock 100 list (S100) are increasing their already sizable genetic sway. First,... read more on DeBruycker Charolais is Proud to be a Seedstock Producer | Seedstock 100 BEEF magazine

DeBruycker Charolais #10 for seed stock sales in USA

Wed 01 Mar, 2017
TAGS: beef magazine, #10 seed stock sales

BEEF magazine announces DeBruycker Charolais #10 Seed Stock Sales DeBruycker Charolais was awarded as #10 seed stock sales in the USA with a recorded 937 bulls marketed annually. To read fully, please visit BEEF magazine's online magazine and scroll to page 30: ... read more on DeBruycker Charolais #10 for seed stock sales in USA

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